Monday, July 13, 2009

First Day of Class - Ugh!

Last night was such a wonderful time with friends at the port. We hung out in the guys apartment for a while thinking of all the ways to upset Dr. Davis. After realizing all our ideas were never going to manifest we walked toward the port. We checked out a jazz club on the water and it was so enchanting with live music. We walked around town and made it back to the villa to sleep because class started today.

Class was entertaining of course. Dr. Davis has a lot more freedom to call Communists bastards and talk about love, sex, and romance when we are all in France opposed to Seattle Pacific University. We will have Social Darwinism this afternoon and then head back out on the streets. The local townspeople are beginning to stare at us with discontent.

Right now Dr. Davis is sending out a team of students who are not taking Social Darwinism, to find night life in Douville. It is a town about 20 minutes away and they have to find nightlife or else he won't send the whole group there in a couple days. I love this trip!

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