Saturday, July 11, 2009

I Know - You Said to Pack Light

Today, the seven group members I was hanging out with in Paris traveled by many metro stops and one long RER ride to the Charles de Gaulle airport, in order to meet up with the whole group of 23 students. Becca and I had one objective: Find Susan. We were very successful in doing so and we even found her with more group members. Unfortunately, Dr. Davis was ambivalent in his directions, so we were literally told to stay and wait. Which we did. For over an hour. Needless to say, Susan was getting antsy and although I wouldn't admit it, I was worried too. And to add to the stress, a wheel on my large-and-in-charge suitcase broke making the monster unbearable. I will need to purchase a new one before leaving Honfleur - puke!

Eventually, we were wrangled up by other group members and the group made our way to Honfleur, Normandie. The drive was of course beautiful and it was so wonderful to make our way to the port of Honfleur and our villa. Our villa is wonderfully clean and spacious for most of the group. Everyone is staying in the same villa except for a few men and Dr. Davis. I am sharing a quiet corner room with Susan and Sara. The three of us lived on the same floor last year so we were quick to choose a room for ourselves.

We ate a late but none-the-less delicious lunch and then walked up a steep hill to Notre Dame Chapelle. The chapelle was built between 1600-1615 and replaced an ancient church that was built in 1023. Sara and I were absolutely floored by the beauty of such an old and quaint cathedral. Many group members will be attending mass tomorrow morning at the chapelle. It is not required to attend worship services while studying abroad, but it is expected. We also explored the town of Honfleur a little bit more before returning for dessert.

Dr. Davis' wife Maggie is too good to be true. She is so kind and generous and she can cook! After enjoying dessert we freshened up and some of us went out for some fun in the town. It was a good way to end a long and stressful day. I look forward to a relaxing day tomorrow, class on Monday, and Bastille Day on Tuesday.

Did you know the revolutionary movement of France started in Honfleur? It is going to be a celebration on Tuesday!

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