Friday, July 10, 2009

Last Day in Paris . . . for a Month

Today started out a little rough. Becca and I woke up at 6:30am and were unable to fall asleep again so we got ready for the day and ate breakfast together at a cafe. That was so great but we did not get out on the streets again to walk around until close to 1pm. We were a little bummed to waste the morning waiting for our group but it turned out just fine.

We split into two groups and Becca, Matt, Tully, and I went together. First, we had a picnic in Jardin de Luxembourg. It was so beautiful and relaxing. We then walked to the Ile de Cite where the famous Notre Dame stands. The Ile de Cite is where paris was founded over 800 years ago so the architecture was fabulous. We walked past the building that held Queen Marie Antoinette prisoner before she was guillotined.

After Ile de Cite we took a metro to the 19th arrondissement, also known as Montmartre, to see the famous windmill at Moulin Rouge. The Moulin Rouge was fun to see because of Hollywood's love story but everything around it was super nasty. We quickly made our way to the Sacre Coeur. It was amazing! the sights from the bottom and top of the stairs were unreal. Absolutely breathtaking. I wish my camera could capture the feeling of the moment.

After Sacre Coeur, we took the Metro back to the hotel to get ready for bed and relax. We all have to leave at 7:30am tomorrow to meet up with the whole group at Charles de Gaulle airport so we need to get some sleep.

Tomorrow we travel by bus to Honfleur, Normandy. I am so thrilled to spend two weeks on the English Channel. I am also excited to meet up with one of my dearest friends Susan. We laugh at the same jokes and we think the same things are ridiculous so I have missed her presence. Hopefully the villa we stay at in Honfleur has a good internet connection. If not, Dr. Davis says McDonald's does - oh great.

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