Monday, July 20, 2009

Miracles Happen

Today the group traveled south along the coast to one of France's most beloved destinations: Mont Saint Michel. It is a beautiful monastery situated on an island off the coast of France and it is famous for its miracles. I have been dreaming about visiting Mont Saint Michel for years. My first glimpse was about 10 kilometers from the freeway and I just had the biggest smile on my face. Even through all the heartache I have been dealing with, I was able to appreciate its beauty.

We walked the crowded, tourist-lined alley up to the monastery and took the grand tour. Dr. Davis enjoys getting yelled at by tour guides because he knows as much as they do and he talks louder. It was a majestic monastery that was truly worth the wait. I spent quite a while in one of the side chapels praying for grandma. I hope she won't mind considering she is a Lutheran and all.

I was able to look at part of the monastery that was built in 900AD. It was such a wild moment for me because of how much research I did before visiting this special place. Dr. Davis, Maggie and I traveled quickly down the alley so that we would have time to eat a famous, extremely over-priced omelet a La Mere Poulard. Unfortunately, we were unable to secure a table in time because the experience is so popular. So, Dr. Davis treated Maggie and I to food from a street vendor. I was able to watch a couple omelets being made, so I felt better about not having the time to sit down and eat one.

I am currently watching "Rope" again with my classmates. I love Hitchcock. Dr. Davis says we can watch this instead of reading Nietzsche. Sounds good to me!

I continue to beg God for his healing mercy for my grandma. God is good and whatever happens, it is well with my soul.

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