Sunday, July 19, 2009

Psalms 73:26

Yesterday was a quiet Saturday in Honfleur. I spent the day reading and watching Alfred Hitchcock's "Rope" for my Social Darwinism class. I also spent some good time at the Green Parrot drinking cafe la creme and chocolat au lait. There was a market in town so I was able to peruse the streets. I successfully purchased a new duffle/suitcase to replace the one that broke in Paris.

I went back to the house pretty early to discover a painful email from my parents. My grandma had a heart attack and was in intensive care. Needless to say, this was entirely out of the blue and extremely difficult to handle. Please pray for her and for my many family members who are struggling through this hard time.

God is good and his love never fails. I love you grandma.

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